10 years of coaching runners from Pain To Performance.All in one program.

Life's too short to let pain stop you.

Get rid of knee, foot & achilles pain for good with this elite 3-month program.Targeted mobility, strength & plyometrics exercises, designed specifically for runners who want to go from Pain To Performance.

Improve your mobility

Improve your hip, foot & rib cage mobility (among others) to move like never before.

Build strength & coordination

5 phases of specific strength training, designed for you after 100's of successful client rehab cases.

Bulletproof your body

With dedicated plyometric exercises (jumps & hops) that progress throughout the program, you'll feel stronger & more powerful than ever before!

Jonny is not only a coach, he was my savior. With his profound expertise and hands-on approach, he not only helped me alleviate my pain just in time for the marathon, but he also provided lasting solutions that have kept me pain-free to this day. It's rare to find someone so deeply knowledgeable and genuinely passionate.
To anyone struggling with pain or seeking to push their physical boundaries, look no further.

Marius Prinz - Founder of Cruwzo

This is for you if...

  • You're sick of failed, traditional rehab methods and want a more holistic approach to your rehab & training that actually works (proven over 10 years)

  • You have knee pain when you run and want to run pain-free

  • You have foot or achilles pain that is limiting your ability to run and/or your running/training volume

  • You run but keep having niggling pains & injuries which limit your joy for running and your ability to run unrestricted

  • You want to drastically improve your strength & mobility so that you move, feel & run better

  • You're willing to commit to 15-30 minutes of regularly training, so that you can successfully build your mobility strength & coordination

  • You want to run & perform better than ever before, while also loading & recovering better.

Super easy-to-follow

Each session & program is clearly designed for seamless progression as you get stronger & more mobile.

Fully digital program

The Blueprint is fully digital, meaning you can do it from anywhere in the world.

Free community access

Coming Soon!
Join the free community Facebook group & ask any questions that you have. You'll also be able to connect with others around the world!

What's included in the Blueprint?

  • 3-month program, created specifically for runners who are in pain & unable to run and train as they want to

  • 4 progressive phases of mobility, strength, coordination & plyometric sessions to help you build strength, resilience and above all, to run without pain & discomfort

  • Dedicated recovery mobility sessions to help you to recover quicker, restore your mobility & to feel amazing

  • BONUS 5th phase of more intense strength & plyometric work, for those who want to really push their limits

  • Clear session structure & guidelines, giving you clarity & making the program super simple to do

  • Fully digital program, meaning you can train anywhere in the world

  • Detailed video tutorials for every single exercise, giving you the clarity you need to perform the exercises like athlete

  • Little to no equipment required, allowing you to do the exercises at home, in the office or on holiday

All for just 139€

Jonny helped me train for my first marathon and it was fantastic. Great to help my mobility so that I move better than ever.
I really appreciated the session pre-marathon where he helped me with strategy for the big run.
Thanks again!

Dillan Patel - Product Manager at Qogita

Who am I?

I'm Jonny Stahl, a Rehab & Performance Coach with over 10 years of experience, spanning from professional sport to private practice.I have both a Bachelor and Master in Sport Science and consult athletes, runners & everyday people to go from Pain To Performance.I work with runners in Berlin & online around the world. But I know that 1:1 coaching is not accessible for everyone, yet too many of you have the same issues & injuries that continuously stop you from the one thing you love: Running.I saw a need to help more people with the same method that's helped 100's of people of the past years. Too many runners have similar pains & injuries, but no long-term real solutions.Solutions that I offer my 1:1 clients. So I built this program, based on those success stories.To help as many runners around the world as possible and to make the Pain To Performance journey simple, accessible & cost-friendly.Now it is YOUR turn.Here's the solution to get you from Pain To Performance.All you need to do is get started.

Frequently asked questions

Q: Who is this program for?
A: This program is for runners and those who play running-based sports, but are constantly running/playing with pain and want to get rid of their pain/injuries for good.
Q: How long does each session go for?
A: Sessions take between 15-35 minutes, depending on the phase of the program. The first phase (2 weeks) only takes 15 minutes per day.
Q: What does the Blueprint look like?
A: Each strength session begins with a specific, mobility-based warm up, followed by targeted strength & coordination exercises.
The recovery sessions consists of mobility-based exercises, which will help you to recover quicker & restore your mobility.
Q: Can I still run while doing the program?
A: Yes, the program is designed so that you can still run, even while you get strong. I recommend that, however, that you ensure that you do not run if you are still experiencing pain, but rather prioritize your Pain To Performance journey.
Q: What if I miss a session?
A: This happens! Either skip the session if it's a one-off occurrence, or continue where you left off and do the session that you missed.

Jonny helped me a lot in preparing for the Istanbul Marathon. What drew me in was not only his expertise and knowledge, but also his passion to help me along the way.
That's what he burns for!
Thanks again Jonny!!

Paul Sydow - Sydow Media GmbH

Still have questions?

Feel free to email me at [email protected] with any questions you have about the Runner's Pain To Performance Blueprint.

© Jonny Stahl Rehab & Performance | All rights reserved.